Stable operations of the company require excellent post-sales support. Thus, PERIHARD offers, within its service range, a service package with the key feature of “Just in Time” delivery of service and all products from the area of printing, with purchase advice based on 28 years of experience.
StabilPH service includes:
- all types of new printers and multifunctional devices (MFP)
- scanners
- plotters/large format printers
- used devices market
- all types of cartridges
- Ink Jet cartridges, ribbons, paus paper
- Service

During the decades of market presence PH Cartridges have matured into a serious brand. Compliance of the process of cartridge remanufacture with the requirements of technical standards STMC, ISO 19752 and ISO 19798 shows our dedication to top quality of products and services. PH Cartridges include three categories.